CISSP Overview

Previous CISSP Domain Name New CISSP Domain Name
Domain 1: Security and Risk Management Domain 1: Security and Risk Management
Domain 2: Asset Security Domain 2: Asset Security
Domain 3: Security Engineering Domain 3: Security Architecture and Engineering
Domain 4: Communications and Network Security Domain 4: Communication and Network Security
Domain 5: Identity and Access Management Domain 5: Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Domain 6: Security and Assessment Testing Domain 6: Security Assessment and Testing
Domain 7: Security Operations Domain 7: Security Operations
Domain 8: Software Development Security Domain 8: Software Development Security


The domain weights are as follows:

Major Domains Weightings (Percentage)
Domain 1: Security and Risk Management  15%
Domain 2: Asset Security  10%
Domain 3: Security Architecture and Engineering  13%
Domain 4: Communication and Network Security  14%
Domain 5: Identity and Access Management (IAM)  13%
Domain 6: Security Assessment and Testing 12%
Domain 7: Security Operations 13%
Domain 8: Software Development Security 10%
Total 100%


CISSP Program Overview


ISC2 Security Conference – 2018 Oct 8-10

CISSP Test Taking Best Practice

  • Answer the question from a MANAGER perspective.  Do NOT answer from the ENGINEER perspective.
  • Look for key words such as NOT, MOST, BEST
  • The English test is ADAPTIVE.
    • You will have up to 3 hours.  Don’t get in a rush.
    • You will have a minimum of 100 questions
  • Do not leave an answer blank.  There is no additional penalty for wrong answers.
  • Use the process of elimination to increase your odds of getting the question correct.
  • Use LOTS of practice tests to prepare you for the real test.  See the Practice Test section.